December 2008

Children in Beirut and Tripoli enjoy Anime Ambassador "Doraemon".

Announcement : Call for applicants to the 3rd International MANGA Award.

Japan assists Dr. Mohamad Khaled Social Foundation (on Wednesday 3)


November 2008

Japanese ambassador inaugurates Educational Equipments and Rehabilitated Playgroud
for Imam Al Baqer School
(on Sunday 30)

Japan assists Motherhood Committee in Lebanon
(on Wednesday 26)

Japan assists Municipality of Sarraaine El Faouqa
(on Monday 24)


October 2008

Announcement : The International MANGA Award Website.

Statement by Mr. Hirofumi Nakasone, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan,
on the election of Japan as Non-permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council
(on Saturday 18)

September 2008

Empress Michiko of Japan - a keen reader of “The Prophet” of Gibran Khalil Gibran
(on Saturday 27)


August 2008

Japanese ambassador inaugurates medical equipments for the Sisters of Charity, in Ain Ibel
(on Friday 29)

Japanese ambassador inaugurates sewing equipments for Sidon Orphan Welfare Society,
in Saida
(on Tuesday 26)

Japanese ambassador inaugurates medical equipments for Al-Zaaiter Charitable Association inIaat,
in Baalbeck
(on Thursday 21)

Japanese ambassador inaugurates industrial kitchen equipments for René Moawad Foundation,
in Mejdlaya
(on Monday 18)

Statement : Ambassador-level Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between Syria and Lebanon

Statement : A Bomb Attack in Tripoli, Lebanon

July 2008

Statement : Establishment of a New Cabinet in Lebanon


June 2008

Japanese financial assistance to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

Japanese ambassador inaugurates a project in Aita Chaab

The Embassy of Japan starts receiving applications for grants


May 2008

Statement : The Election of a New President in Lebanon

Statement : The Current Situation in Lebanon

Statement : The Current Situation in Lebanon


April 2008

Scholarship information is now available

Japanese ambassador inaugurates medical equipments for Armenian Relief Cross in Lebanon (ARCL)


March 2008

Japanese Ambassador attends the opening ceremony of Le Centre Academique Japonais


February 2008

Japan assists the Municipality of Hammana

Japan assists the Municipality of Ghobeiry

Japan assists Syr El-Dinnieh Governmental Hospital


January 2008

Japan assists the Association of Healthy and Social Work in Tripoli

Special Address by H.E. Mr. Yasuo Fukuda, Prime Minister of Japan
On the Occasion of the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum

Japan assists Baakleen Medical Center

Japanese grant to Lebanese Association for Development and Culture (ALDEC)

Start of Entries for the Second International MANGA Award

Japanese grant to Secours Populaire Libanais Hospital in Nabatiyeh

Japan assists Saint John Baptist School in Ain El Rihaneh


Press Conference by The Press Secretary of MOFA (Updated twice a week)