-The Imigration Contorol Procedure for Landing Pemission will Change-


On May 24, 2006, the amended Immigration Control Act was promulgated, which includes provisions intended for the prevention of terrorist attacks. More specifically, the amended Act has established a new procedure wherein at the landing examination, foreign nationals (excluding special permanent residents, persons under the age of 16, and others specified as eligible for exemption) are required to submit personal identification information such as fingerprints. The new procedure shall be put into operation as of November 23, 2007. It is expected that the introduction of the new landing examination procedure using personal identification information will make it possible to detect terrorists at the border more successfully and prevent the occurrence of terrorist attacks, thereby making Japan a safer country.

See Outline of New Immigration Procedures: Requirements for the Provision of Personal Information


Visitng Japan -Visa Requirements-


-General Information about Japanese Visa (outside like to MOFA)


Following are the rules and regulations applicable to those wishing to apply for a Japanese visa at the Embassy of Japan in Lebanon.



Tourist Visa Requirements


- Two recent passport size photos.


- Original passport .


- Visa Application Form. The said form, which applicants can obtain from the Embassy, must be typed or completed in bloc letters, using English.


- Air-ticket with confirmed reservation.


- Confirmed hotel reservation covering the entire duration of the applicants stay in Japan. The confirmation must include the name, address and telephone numbers of the hotel in question.


- A bank statement of account.


- In case the applicant is an employee, a travel permission from the employer, including the leave period, must be provided.


- A valid company registration certificate from the Chamber of Commerce in Lebanon, accompanied with an English translation if the cerificate is in Arabic.


- A statement specifying the duration of the applicants stay in Japan, and a pledge testifying that he/she would not engage in any type of work there.


- Schedule of the proposed visit to Japan, including anticipated activities.


- Applicants intending to visit a relative or a friend in Japan must provide an invitation/guarantee letter from the respective relative or friend, specifying the name of the invitee, the duration of the visit, and the address and telephone number of the inviting person. However, if the inviting person is of the Lebanese nationality, the name, address and telephone number of the company in which the inviting person is employed must be provided together with his/her private address, telephone number, and a copy of the relative immigration/residence card. If the inviting person is not Japanese, a copy of the certificate of alien registration is required.


- For non-Lebanese applicants, a copy of the residence permit should be submitted. If the applicant works in Lebanon, the residence permit and the working permit plus a letter from his/her employer must be presented. Applicants must also submit a letter explaining why a visa to Japan was not applied for in their respective countries.


Business Visa Requirements


- Business visa applicants must ask the company inviting them to Japan to send to the Embassy of Japan in Lebanon a fax specifying : The name of the invitee; the name, address and telephone number of the inviting company; the name of the person issuing the invitation; and the duration of visit.


- In case there has been a previous commercial relation with the Japanese company in question, a bill of lading proving the fact should be submitted.


- We might ask for the original commercial registeration certificate issued by the chamber of commerce in Lebanon accompanied with an English translation if the cerificate is in Arabic.


- If the applicant is an employee, he/she must present a letter proving that he is an employee of the company wishing him to visit Japan, and that the compnay is responsible for him.


- Visa applications could be submitted any day, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, between 0900-1200 hrs.



(C) Embassy of Japan in Lebanon

Serial Hill Area, Army St. Zokak El-Blat, Beirut, Lbanon


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