September 27, 2008
Empress Michiko of Japan - a keen reader of “The Prophet” of Gibran Khalil Gibran
The Ambassador of Japan to Lebanon, Mr. Yoshihisa Kuroda, inaugurated on Saturday 27 September, 2008, at the Gibran Museum in Bcharre, a project that was financed by the Government of Japan through its Grant Assistance for Cultural Grassroots Project of Japan.The US$85,411-project was implemented in accordance with a contract signed by the Embassy of Japan in Lebanon and Gibran National Committee on December 14, 2004 and consisted of supplying audio and lighting equipments to Gibran Museum.
At the inauguration ceremony, the Ambassador of Japan emphasized the worldwide reputation of Gibran as a national treasure of the people of Lebanon mentioning that Empress Michiko of Japan was among the keen readers of the Lebanese poet, Gibran Khalil Gibran. We are hoping that the equipments provided by the people of Japan will contribute to a further enhancement of attraction of the Gibran Museum.
The program of Grant Assistance for Cultural Grassroots Project has been introduced to Lebanon in 2000 by Japan to contribute in covering a variety of increasing needs and increase positive cooperation in the fields of culture and higher education.
(c) Embassy of Japan in Lebanon
Serail Hill Area, Army St. Zokak El-Blat, Beirut, Lebanon