November 2009

Japanese Embassy commemorates the completion of the Project for Rehabilitating Al-Maqaiteh School in Akkar
(24 November 2009)

Japanese Embassy commemorates the completion of the Project for Renovation of Kabbat Beshumra Charitable School in Akkar (24 November 2009)

Japanese Embassy hands over Health Equipments for the hospital of Secours Populaire Libanais in Nabatieh
(20 November 2009)

Japanese Embassy hands over Dental Equipments for the National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training in Rashidieh Palestinian Refugee Camp(20 November 2009)

Japan assists Oyama Sport Center(20 November 2009)

The 20th Anniversary of His Majesty the Emperor's Accession to the Throne


The Ambassador of Japan hosts Palestine refugee female graduates, recipients of Japanese scholarships(27 October 2009)

Japan assists Nature Sans Frontiers
(October 15, 2009)

September 2009

Statement by H.E. Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, Prime Minister of Japan at the UN Security Council Summit
on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Disarmament (24 September 2009)

Emergency Grant Aid for Vaccination against the H1N1 Influenza Pandemic (24 September 2009)

Japan assists Lebanese Sporting Club Association (7 September 2009)

Japan assists Governmental Hospital in Ehden (1 September 2009)

August 2009


July 2009

Japan assists the Child Welfare Association in Rashaya(16 July 2009)

Japan assists Women’s Cooperative Association for Food Processing in Wadi Al-Taym
(On Tuesday 7)


June 2009

Statement by Prime Minister Taro Aso on the Enactment of the Law on the Penalization of Acts of Piracy and Measures against Acts of Piracy

Statement by Mr. Hirofumi Nakasone, Minister for Foreign Affairs on Passage of the Law on the Penalization of Acts of Piracy and Measures against Acts of Piracy

The Embassy of Japan starts receiving applications for grants

Speech on the Environment by Prime Minister Taro ASO ( on Wednesday 10)


May 2009

North Korean Nuclear Issue


April 2009

The information of Japanese Government Scholarship for 2010


March 2009

Japan assists Souren Khanamirian Secondary School (on Tuesday 17)

Japan assists Oum El Nour ( on Tuesday 10)

Japan assists Dar Al Fatwa General Health Center (on Thursday 5)

Japan assists Inaya Foundation( on Tuesday 3)

Feburuary 2009

Japan assists Municipality of ٍSoujoud (on Tuesday 17)

January 2009

Japan assists Al Shahar West Governmental Hospital (on Wednesday 28)

Japan assists Oyama Sport Center in Haret Hreick (on Monday 19)

Japan assists Al-Arz Association for Sports and Culture (on Wednesday 14)




Japan Week at Saint-Joseph University at Ashrafie(End of March)

Kumamoto Artpolis at Lebanese University at Furn El Shebak: Architecture through Communication
(26th January 2010 - 6th February)

Noh Theatre at LAU (28 Aug ~ 8 Sep)

Yokoyama's Judo Seminar by Japan Foundation (1 Aug- 1 Oct)

Japanese Film Festival (14 ~ 16 May)

1st Japanese Speach Contest (12 March)

Events Organised or Supported by the Embassy of Japan in Lebanon


The 20th Anniversary of His Majesty the Emperor's Accession to the Throne

Press Conference by The Press Secretary of MOFA (Updated twice a week)



Outline of New Immigration Procedures: Requirements for the Provision of Personal Information