Japan Supports the Rehabilitation of Arida Public School through Akkar Network of Development


Japan will support the rehabilitation of Arida Public School in Arida, Akkar, with a grant of 73,890 U.S. dollars. On January 24, 2020, Ambassador OKUBO Takeshi signed a grant contract with Nadine Saba, President of Akkar Network of Development (AND), an organization that has been providing services to the people of Akkar. The grant will allow the NGO to put back Arida Public School to a good condition, providing more than 200 students with a decent learning space.

At the signing ceremony, President Ms. Saba explained harsh conditions that residents and refugees face in Akkar, and appreciated the Japan’s assistance. Ambassador Okubo expressed his hope that the Japan’s grant would have positive impact on the most vulnerable segment of the local community.


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