Japan Supports a Recycling Project in the Caza of Aley

The Embassy of Japan supports the recycling efforts in Mount Lebanon by providing solid waste collection trucks, a glass crusher, and recycling bins for the Union of Municipalities of Gharb Aala and Chahhar, in order to enhance the living environments of the residents and help establish sustainable waste management strategies.

To fund the project, on October 23, 2018, H.E. Mr. Matahiro Yamaguchi, Ambassador of Japan to Lebanon signed a grant contract with Mr. Michel Saad, President of the Union of Municipalities of Gharb Aala and Chahhar, which includes 14 municipalities collaborating together in implementing the recycling project.

Click on the following links for more information in English or in Arabic.
 Mr. Saad and Ambassador Yamaguchi 
Shaking Hands after Signing the Grant Contract   
 Mr. Saad,  Ambassador Yamaguchi Mr. Shaar